Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Moessbauer- and EPR-snapshots of an enzymatic reaction: The cytochrome P450 reaction cycle

Item Type:Article
Title:Moessbauer- and EPR-snapshots of an enzymatic reaction: The cytochrome P450 reaction cycle
Creators Name:Schuenemann, V. and Jung, C. and Lendzian, F. and Barra, A.L. and Teschner, T. and Trautwein, A.X.
Abstract:In this communication we present a complimentary Mössbauer- and EPR-study of the time dependance of the reaction of substrate free P450cam with peracetic acid within a time region ranging from 8 ms up to 5 min. An Fe(IV) species as well as a tyrosyl radical residing on the amino acid residue Tyr96 have been identified as reaction intermediates. These species possibly are formed by the reduction of compound I by means of transferring an electron from Tyr 96 to the heme moiety.
Keywords:Cytochrome P450, High-field EPR, Moessbauer Spectroscopy, Peracetic Acid
Source:Hyperfine Interactions
Page Range:247-256
Date:1 January 2004
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1023/B:HYPE.0000043237.03194.72

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