Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and long-term maternal cardiovascular risk: bridging epidemiological knowledge into personalized postpartum care and follow-up

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Item Type:Review
Title:Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and long-term maternal cardiovascular risk: bridging epidemiological knowledge into personalized postpartum care and follow-up
Creators Name:Staff, A.C. and Costa, M.L. and Dechend, R. and Jacobsen, D.P. and Sugulle, M.
Abstract:Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is globally the leading cause of death and disability. Sex-specific causes of female CVD are under-investigated. Pregnancy remains an underinvestigated sex-specific stress test for future CVD and a hitherto missed opportunity to initiate prevention of CVD at a young age. Population-based studies show a strong association between female CVD and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. This association is also present after other pregnancy complications that are associated with placental dysfunction, including fetal growth restriction, preterm delivery and gestational diabetes mellitus. Few women are, however, offered systematic cardio-preventive follow-up after such pregnancy complications. These women typically seek help from the health system at first clinical symptom of CVD, which may be decades later. By this time, morbidity is established and years of preventive opportunities have been missed out. Early identification of modifiable risk factors starting postpartum followed by systematic preventive measures could improve maternal cardiovascular health trajectories, promoting healthier societies. In this non-systematic review we briefly summarize the epidemiological associations and pathophysiological hypotheses for the associations. We summarize current clinical follow-up strategies, including some proposed by international and national guidelines as well as user support groups. We address modifiable factors that may be underexploited in the postpartum period, including breastfeeding and blood pressure management. We suggest a way forward and discuss the remaining knowledge gaps and barriers for securing the best evidence-based follow-up, relative to available resources after a hypertensive pregnancy complication in order to prevent or delay onset of premature CVD.
Keywords:Angiogenic Biomarkers, Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular Disease, Fetal Growth Restriction, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Gestational Hypertension, Preeclampsia, Pregnancy, Preterm Delivery, Primary Prevention
Source:Pregnancy Hypertension
Page Range:101127
Date:June 2024
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.preghy.2024.101127
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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