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Twisted-plywood-like tissue formation in vitro. Does curvature do the twist?

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Item Type:Article
Title:Twisted-plywood-like tissue formation in vitro. Does curvature do the twist?
Creators Name:Schamberger, B. and Ehrig, S. and Dechat, T. and Spitzer, S. and Bidan, C.M. and Fratzl, P. and Dunlop, J.W.C. and Roschger, A.
Abstract:Little is known about the contribution of 3D surface geometry to the development of multilayered tissues containing fibrous extracellular matrix components, such as those found in bone. In this study, we elucidate the role of curvature in the formation of chiral, twisted-plywood-like structures. Tissues consisting of murine preosteoblast cells (MC3T3-E1) were grown on 3D scaffolds with constant-mean curvature and negative Gaussian curvature for up to 32 days. Using 3D fluorescence microscopy, the influence of surface curvature on actin stress-fiber alignment and chirality was investigated. To gain mechanistic insights, we did experiments with MC3T3-E1 cells deficient in nuclear A-type lamins or treated with drugs targeting cytoskeleton proteins. We find that wild-type cells form a thick tissue with fibers predominantly aligned along directions of negative curvature, but exhibiting a twist in orientation with respect to older tissues. Fiber orientation is conserved below the tissue surface, thus creating a twisted-plywood-like material. We further show that this alignment pattern strongly depends on the structural components of the cells (A-type lamins, actin, and myosin), showing a role of mechanosensing on tissue organization. Our data indicate the importance of substrate curvature in the formation of 3D tissues and provide insights into the emergence of chirality.
Keywords:Curvature, Twisted Plywood, Tissue Growth, Cell Alignment, Collagen Alignment
Source:PNAS Nexus
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Page Range:pgae121
Date:April 2024
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae121
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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