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Health service use among migrants in the German National Cohort - the role of birth region and language skills

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Item Type:Article
Title:Health service use among migrants in the German National Cohort - the role of birth region and language skills
Creators Name:Wiessner, C. and Licaj, S. and Klein, J. and Bohn, B. and Brand, T. and Castell, S. and Führer, A. and Harth, V. and Heier, M. and Heise, J.K. and Holleczek, B. and Jaskulski, S. and Jochem, C. and Koch-Gallenkamp, L. and Krist, L. and Leitzmann, M. and Lieb, W. and Meinke-Franze, C. and Mikolajczyk, R. and Moreno Velásquez, I. and Obi, N. and Pischon, T. and Schipf, S. and Thierry, S. and Willich, S.N. and Zeeb, H. and Becher, H.
Abstract:OBJECTIVE: To compare health service use (HSU) between migrants and non-migrants in Germany. METHODS: Using data from the population-based German National Cohort (NAKO), we compared the HSU of general practitioners, medical specialists, and psychologists/psychiatrists between six migrant groups of different origins with the utilization of non-migrants. A latent profile analysis (LPA) with a subsequent multinomial regression analysis was conducted to characterize the HSU of different groups. Additionally, separate regression models were calculated. Both analyses aimed to estimate the direct effect of migration background on HSU. RESULTS: In the LPA, the migrant groups showed no relevant differences compared to non-migrants regarding HSU. In separate analyses, general practitioners and medical specialists were used comparably to slightly more often by first-generation migrants from Eastern Europe, Turkey, and resettlers. In contrast, the use of psychologists/psychiatrists was substantially lower among those groups. Second-generation migrants and migrants from Western countries showed no differences in their HSU compared to non-migrants. CONCLUSION: We observed a low mental HSU among specific migrant groups in Germany. This indicates the existence of barriers among those groups that need to be addressed.
Keywords:Migrant Health, Health Service Research, Mental Health, German National Cohort, NAKO
Source:International Journal of Public Health
Publisher:Frontiers Media SA
Page Range:1606377
Date:6 March 2024
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.3389/ijph.2024.1606377
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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