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CTGF/CCN2 has a possible detrimental role in the inflammation and the remyelination failure in the early stages of multiple sclerosis

Item Type:Article
Title:CTGF/CCN2 has a possible detrimental role in the inflammation and the remyelination failure in the early stages of multiple sclerosis
Creators Name:Fuchs, L., Mausner-Fainberg, K., Luban, A., Asseyer, S.E., Golan, M., Benhamou, M., Volovitz, I., Regev, K., Vigiser, I., Piura, Y., Kolb, H., Paul, F. and Karni, A.
Abstract:Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) is a proinflammatory and an oligodendrocyte-differentiating blocking agent. It is found in MS lesions, which raises the possibility of involvement in MS pathogenesis. We found that its CSF and serum levels were higher in RR-MS patients than in controls and for serum compared to PP and SP-MS. Immune cells of both RR-MS and controls secreted CTGF/CCN2, which was enhanced by CD3/CD28 stimulation or by LPS. Anti-CTGF treatment of mice with experimental autoimmune encephalitis ameliorated its clinical severity. CTGF/CCN2 may play a role in the immune pathogenesis of MS and in remyelination failure in early stages of MS.
Keywords:Connective Tissue Growth Factor, Inflammation, Multiple Sclerosis, Remyelination, Animals, Mice
Source:Journal of Neuroimmunology
Page Range:577936
Date:15 October 2022
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneuroim.2022.577936
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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