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The histone H4 lysine 20 demethylase DPY-21 regulates the dynamics of condensin DC binding

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Item Type:Article
Title:The histone H4 lysine 20 demethylase DPY-21 regulates the dynamics of condensin DC binding
Creators Name:Breimann, L. and Morao, A.K. and Kim, J. and Jimenez, D.S. and Maryn, N. and Bikkasani, K. and Carrozza, M.J. and Albritton, S.E. and Kramer, M. and Street, L.A. and Cerimi, K. and Schumann, V.F. and Bahry, E. and Preibisch, S. and Woehler, A. and Ercan, S.
Abstract:Condensin is a multi-subunit structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) complex that binds to and compacts chromosomes. Here, we addressed the regulation of condensin binding dynamics using Caenorhabditis elegans condensin DC, which represses X chromosomes in hermaphrodites for dosage compensation. We established fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) using the SMC4 homolog DPY-27 and showed that a well-characterized ATPase mutation abolishes DPY-27 binding to X chromosomes. Next, we performed FRAP in the background of several chromatin modifier mutants that cause varying degrees of X chromosome derepression. The greatest effect was in a null mutant of the H4K20me2 demethylase DPY-21, where the mobile fraction of condensin DC reduced from ∼30% to 10%. In contrast, a catalytic mutant of dpy-21 did not regulate condensin DC mobility. Hi-C sequencing data from the dpy-21 null mutant showed little change compared to wild-type data, uncoupling Hi-C-measured long-range DNA contacts from transcriptional repression of the X chromosomes. Taken together, our results indicate that DPY-21 has a non-catalytic role in regulating the dynamics of condensin DC binding, which is important for transcription repression.
Keywords:Condensin, Transcription, Histone Modifications, FRAP, Hi-C, Animals, Caenorhabditis elegans
Source:Journal of Cell Science
Publisher:Company of Biologists
Page Range:jcs258818
Date:January 2022
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1242/jcs.258818
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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