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A connectome and analysis of the adult Drosophila central brain

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Item Type:Article
Title:A connectome and analysis of the adult Drosophila central brain
Creators Name:Scheffer, L.K. and Xu, C.S. and Januszewski, M. and Lu, Z. and Takemura, S.Y. and Hayworth, K.J. and Huang, G.B. and Shinomiya, K. and Maitlin-Shepard, J. and Berg, S. and Clements, J. and Hubbard, P.M. and Katz, W.T. and Umayam, L. and Zhao, T. and Ackerman, D. and Blakely, T. and Bogovic, J. and Dolafi, T. and Kainmueller, D. and Kawase, T. and Khairy, K.A. and Leavitt, L. and Li, P.H. and Lindsey, L. and Neubarth, N. and Olbris, D.J. and Otsuna, H. and Trautman, E.T. and Ito, M. and Bates, A.S. and Goldammer, J. and Wolff, T. and Svirskas, R. and Schlegel, P. and Neace, E.R. and Knecht, C.J. and Alvarado, C.X. and Bailey, D.A. and Ballinger, S. and Borycz, J.A. and Canino, B.S. and Cheatham, N. and Cook, M. and Dreher, M. and Duclos, O. and Eubanks, B. and Fairbanks, K. and Finley, S. and Forknall, N. and Francis, A. and Hopkins, G.P. and Joyce, E.M. and Kim, S.J. and Kirk, N.A. and Kovalyak, J. and Lauchie, S.A. and Lohff, A. and Maldonado, C. and Manley, E.A. and McLin, S. and Mooney, C. and Ndama, M. and Ogundeyi, O. and Okeoma, N. and Ordish, C. and Padilla, N. and Patrick, C. and Paterson, T. and Phillips, E.E. and Phillips, E.M. and Rampally, N. and Ribeiro, C. and Robertson, M.K. and Rymer, J.T. and Ryan, S.M. and Sammons, M. and Scott, A.K. and Scott, A.L. and Shinomiya, A. and Smith, C. and Smith, K. and Smith, N.L. and Sobeski, M.A. and Suleiman, A. and Swift, J. and Takemura, S. and Talebi, I. and Tarnogorska, D. and Tenshaw, E. and Tokhi, T. and Walsh, J.J. and Yang, T. and Horne, J.A. and Li, F. and Parekh, R. and Rivlin, P.K. and Jayaraman, V. and Costa, M. and Jefferis, G.S.X.E. and Ito, K. and Saalfeld, S. and George, R. and Meinertzhagen, I.A. and Rubin, G.M. and Hess, H.F. and Jain, V. and Plaza, S.M.
Abstract:The neural circuits responsible for animal behavior remain largely unknown. We summarize new methods and present the circuitry of a large fraction of the brain of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Improved methods include new procedures to prepare, image, align, segment, find synapses in, and proofread such large data sets. We define cell types, refine computational compartments, and provide an exhaustive atlas of cell examples and types, many of them novel. We provide detailed circuits consisting of neurons and their chemical synapses for most of the central brain. We make the data public and simplify access, reducing the effort needed to answer circuit questions, and provide procedures linking the neurons defined by our analysis with genetic reagents. Biologically, we examine distributions of connection strengths, neural motifs on different scales, electrical consequences of compartmentalization, and evidence that maximizing packing density is an important criterion in the evolution of the fly's brain.
Keywords:Brain, Connectome, Neurons, Synapses, Animals, Drosophila melanogaster
Publisher:eLife Sciences Publications
Page Range:e57443
Date:7 September 2020
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.57443
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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