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The sensory coding of warm perception

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Item Type:Article
Title:The sensory coding of warm perception
Creators Name:Paricio-Montesinos, R. and Schwaller, F. and Udhayachandran, A. and Rau, F. and Walcher, J. and Evangelista, R. and Vriens, J. and Voets, T. and Poulet, J.F.A. and Lewin, G.R.
Abstract:Humans detect skin temperature changes that are perceived as warm or cool. Like humans, mice report forepaw skin warming with perceptual thresholds of less than 1°C and do not confuse warm with cool. We identify two populations of polymodal C-fibers that signal warm. Warm excites one population, whereas it suppresses the ongoing cool-driven firing of the other. In the absence of the thermosensitive TRPM2 or TRPV1 ion channels, warm perception was blunted, but not abolished. In addition, trpv1:trpa1:trpm3(-/-) triple-mutant mice that cannot sense noxious heat detected skin warming, albeit with reduced sensitivity. In contrast, loss or local pharmacological silencing of the cool-driven TRPM8 channel abolished the ability to detect warm. Our data are not reconcilable with a labeled line model for warm perception, with receptors firing only in response to warm stimuli, but instead support a conserved dual sensory model to unambiguously detect skin warming in vertebrates.
Keywords:Perception, Sensory Coding, Warm, Thermal Transduction, Nociception, Polymodal, C-Fiber, TRP Channels, Animals, Mice
Publisher:Cell Press
Page Range:830-841
Date:3 June 2020
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2020.02.035
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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